If anybody actually reads my blog, they've probably been wondering why my posts have been so few and far between lately. So, I thought I'd post a little bit about what I've been up to lately. In between the normal everyday child rearing and keeping up with the house, here's what's been going on. We had a great, quiet Thanksgiving at home this year. Just Josh and I, the kids, and my mother-in-law. We watched the parade, had the traditional Thanksgiving feast, and then fell asleep on the couch watching Christmas Vacation. It was nice! My mom and I got up early on Black Friday and got to Jo-Ann's at 6 when they opened. It was craziness, but we got some fabulous deals! Then we headed home just to have my house torn apart. The floors in almost the entire downstairs of my house were replaced. It looks fabulous, but what a pain! Trying to keep the kids out of all the mess was quite a task! The floors were finished by Saturday night and then Sunday morning we were out getting our Christmas tree. Ever since then I've spent a good part of my day trying to keep Isaac from un-decorating the tree. I believe the ornament casualty count is up to 7 now. But, here are a few pics of the tree.
Sorry this post is so long! I'm almost done with Christmas gifts and then I plan to be back in full-force - blogging, marketing, making new products...stay tuned!
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