Sunday, December 28, 2008

Dear Kids Sunday

Here it is Sunday again...I didn't do well preparing for this week's installment of Dear Kid Sunday. With all the hussle and bussle of the holiday, I didn't take the time to write down how our week went. So, here's just a few thoughts...

December 29th, 2008

Dear Ry Ry and Issey -

This past week we celebrated your 4th and 2nd Christmas'. The week was filled with holiday things like Ryleigh making Christmas cookies with Nanni, wrapping last minute gifts, and cleaning. And then the festivities began...Its amazing to think back to last year when Ryleigh was so much smaller and less excited about the holiday season and Isaac was just a newborn whom we propped up next to his stocking. And now this year I watched you, Ryleigh, become so much more curious about Santa, and so much more anxious and excited about Christmas. And Isaac, I watched you run around, undecorating the tree, and pulling bows of gifts that weren't yours. We had a very nice Christmas this year. Both of you were so good. Ryleigh, you were very patient in waiting until it was time to open presents, and you made sure you said thank you for each one - most of the time before you even opened it. This made me so proud of you. One of my favorite memories of you this Christmas is when you opened a hooded sweatshirt that I made for you. You were so gracious and telling me what a great job I did and that you loved it so much. It's as if you knew the time and love that I put into making it for you. I love you for that and appreciate that YOU appreciated it. Isaac, you really weren't that interested in opening presents this year. Mommy and Daddy opened most of them for you. You did enjoy playing with all the trucks you got, though. The thing I will remember the most about you this Christmas is just how adapting you are. With all the craziness that went on, and having your routine interrupted, you just kept on going with that adorable smile on your face the whole time. Never once did you get overwhelmed or cranky. You're such a happy little boy! You both got way too many gifts and we had to clean out your old toys to make room for the new ones. We'll be donating the old ones to a family who didn't have money to buy Christmas presents. Ryleigh - I know its hard for you to get rid of some of your old toys, but I hope you soon realize how lucky you are and that the season is about giving. We're trying very hard to instill that in both of you. I enjoyed you both tremendously this Christmas - you make the holidays so much more fun and meaningful then they were before you were born. I love you and hope you both had a great Christmas! I can't wait for next year!

Big Hugs and Kisses!!!

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