This is one of Cindy's many beautifully crafted and color-coordinated stroller blankets. This particular blanket is minkee on one side and flannel on the other, but you can find other fabric combos in her shop! And she also takes custom blanket orders. Can you believe I only had to pay $1 for this?????

I also got this sweet onesie with an appliqued stegosaurus picture on the front that was masterfully created by her 7 year old son, Gabriel. I love how she's getting her boys involved in her work and teaching them the lessons about earning and saving money. Gabriel receives $3 for each onesie with his artwork on it that his mommy sells. He gets to put $1 in his piggy bank for now and $2 into a college savings. Way to go, Cindy!

And here's that stegosaurus (although Ryleigh insists that it is a 'butterfly turtle' - sorry Gabriel!) onesie on one ADORABLE little model ;-)
Here are some of my other favorite items from Cindy's shop:

Cindy is making some exciting new changes to her product line as well. So, if you're ever looking for a fabulous blanket or a unique onesie for one of the bundles of joy in your life, go visit Cindy at Bundles of Joy! Here is a little interview I held with Cindy followed by her links:
-What inspires your work?
Life, the universe and everything! Seriously, I draw inspiration from the world around me, my children, my strong background in art history, and my years of creating costumes. I am also inspired by the need to have things be both functional and beautiful. I firmly believe that things can be pleasing to the eye and easy to use.-What are your favorite materials to work with?My favorite things to work with for children's things are cotton, minky, fur, and imagination. Over my design life, my favorite things have changed with my current focus. There was costuming, when my favorite things to work with were steel bones, silks and bazillions of yards of trim. Then there was the interior design phase with wallpaper, wool rugs and loads of color. Then wedding dresses - back to silk, bones and trim. Now, simpler is better. I'm pretty sure that the next time you check, one of my favorites will be fusible web.
-In general, what is your favorite type of item to work on?
Something with visual interest and wonderful texture. I can't stand working with things that are not nice to the touch. Baby things have to be soft - luxurious is even better. I like working on fussy details. Though you couldn't much tell it from my shop, I like working without a machine. Handwork is very relaxing to me.
-What is your favorite item from your shop?
This shirt is my favorite: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=10657226 though I might be influenced by the sweet model wearing it. I just love the beautiful mix of colors in the butterfly and the way you can tell Gabriel had fun getting his fingers in the paint while he was painting it. Ask me again next week, and you'll get a different answer.
-What is your favorite item that you have purchased from another Etsy seller?
Oh, you are going to get me in so much trouble! I love everything I've bought on etsy and everything that I have suggested to my husband that he buy for me. My current favorite is this bracelet and matching earrings from <http://wildlifer78.etsy.com>: http://www.etsy.com/view_transaction.php?transaction_id=8968781. It is just a beautiful set and a true testament to the incestuous nature of etsy, which is part of what I like about it. One etsy artist made the central lamp work bead. Another etsy artist made the polymer clay accent beads. http://wildlifer78.etsy.com/ put the whole thing together with her own flair and additional accents and then another etsy artist - me - purchased the whole thing! The set even has an element of the custom nature of etsy in it, since I requested that wildlifer78 make earrings to match the bracelet, which she gladly did on the day I initially made the request. Yes, I would have to say that one purchase neatly wraps up all the things t!hat are cool about etsy. You deal directly with the artist. No gallery is taking 50% or more of the purchase price. People work together cooperatively to make things that are unique and interesting. Custom work is embraced rather than discouraged. You get what you want and the artist is happy to send it to you.
Etsy Shop: http://www.cindyjoy.etsy.com/
So very cute- great feature on Cindy.
I love this shop! What a great feature! And that stegosaurus/butterfly onesie is adorable, as is Ryleigh in it!!
Thank you for featuring me! Your model is way too adorable. Such a precious picture.
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