Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Our First Etsy Sales!

About a month after opening and stocking our Etsy shop, we finally got our first sale! YAY! I say 'finally', but from what I understand it takes many people a lot longer than a month to get their first sale. Okay, okay, so I had to let my first item go at 50% off, but it was worth it! FAM has a sale every Tuesday (or maybe its every other Tuesday...guess I should check on that). They call it 'Take 10 Tuesday' (T10T) and members of the FAM team can hold sales in their shops from 5:00pm - Midnight. The shop owner can customize their sale to fit their shop. Most people do 10% off....hence the name 'Take 10 Tuesday'. :) We also have a fun little 'secret' game where we hide the code T10T in one of our listings or photos. Whoever finds the secret item can buy it at a deep discount (again, decided on by the shop owner). Well, my secret item of the week was our black with pink polka-dots nursing cover. Leah of Michon Designs was the lucky shopper (also a member of FAM) who got my secret item! I was so excited to get our first sale on Etsy! And then today, less than 24 hours later, we got our first full-price Etsy sale from someone I've never met. Someone purchased a set of 6 of our hemp doublers. How cool is that??? Here are our first Etsy sales:

THANK YOU for both of your orders!!!!

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