Dear Ry and I -
I'm sorry kiddos...I'm really not good at this - I forgot to write down our weeks adventures once again. But, we had a good week...mostly. Ryleigh, you've been such a good girl lately - being polite, trying really hard to be nice to your brother, and listening to Mommy and Daddy. I'm really proud of you and so glad that you're over the bratty stage that you went through a couple months ago. You're getting so big and you never cease to amaze me with the things that come out of your mouth. It just doesn't seem right when a 3 year old says words like 'gigantic' and responds to questions with 'actually...' or when you say things like 'Great solution Daddy!' like you did tonight. One day Nanni asked you what you had done one day and you said you didn't know. So, being silly, she asked you if you went skiing (you've never been skiing) and you said ' wasn't the right temperature today'. That same day you were coloring and noticed some different coloring books pictured on the back of your book. You showed them to me and told me you wanted 2 of them. I told you that they looked nice but I wasn't sure where to get those 2 specific books. You very matter-of-factly told me that 'you get this one at Wal-Mart and you get this one at Target'. You crack me up! Sad thing're probably right! LOL..You went back to school this were really excited to see your friends after Christmas break. You brought some of your perler bead creations for show and tell and you gave each of your classmates one of them. I thought that was really sweet and thoughtful of you. And when I picked you up from school that day Miss Elaine commented on how happy you were that day. I'm sure it was because you got to experience the joy of giving. I was very proud of you!
Isaac - you're getting SO big and losing your 'baby' look. :( You're a of your new favorite activites is climbing up onto the coffee table and jumping off it. It's funny, but it scares me at the same time. We had to take away the little Dora couch that you use as your stool to get up onto the coffee table because you just wouldn't stop doing it and you kept getting braver - going from sliding off the table to standing up and JUMPING off. Crazy boy! You had your 15 month check-up on Monday. You hate going to the doctor's these days. As soon as we walk into the exam room you start crying and trying to escape. I'm not sure why....but, you weighed in at 24 lbs 12 oz and were 32 1/4"! What a big boy! Your weight is in the 50th percentile and your height is in the 75th percentile. The doctor said you looked great! On Wednesday you came down with a nasty cough and by Friday morning you had a fever of 103.2. :( We spent Friday and all weekend with one SICK little boy. You didn't want to do anything but have Mommy hold you on the couch which is SO unlike you. As much as I love snuggling with you, it breaks my heart to see you so sick. By today you were doing a little better, but still not my 'normal' little boy. Hopefully we're on the upswing now!
I love you both and I promise to try to do better with these letters!
Hugs and Kisses!!!
1 comment:
Awwww this is such a neat idea! Mind if I steal it? lol
Your kiddos are PRECIOUS!
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